Keeping your commercial grill spotless is crucial for serving safe, appetizing food to customers. Grease and food debris buildup not only make your grill less efficient, it’s a fire hazard and health code violation waiting to happen.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: Turn off the grill and allow it to cool completely. Remove and soak grates in degreaser solution. Clean the grill thoroughly using grill cleaner, scrapers, brass brushes and nylon pads, working section-by-section.

Wipe down all surfaces and rinse. Reinstall clean grates.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the steps, tools, and best practices needed to deeply clean all parts of your restaurant grill, from grates and burners to the exterior housing.

Turn Off and Allow the Grill to Cool

Shut off all burners and the gas line

Before beginning the cleaning process, it is crucial to ensure that the grill is properly turned off and the burners are shut down. This will prevent any accidents or injuries during the cleaning process. Start by turning off all the burners and then locate the gas line and shut it off as well.

This step is important for the safety of both the person cleaning the grill and anyone else in the vicinity.

Let the grill cool for at least an hour

Once the burners and gas line are turned off, it is essential to allow the grill to cool down before starting the cleaning process. The high temperatures of the grill can cause burns if touched while still hot.

It is recommended to wait at least an hour for the grill to cool down before proceeding with the cleaning. This will ensure that the surface of the grill is safe to touch and clean without the risk of burns.

Pro tip: While waiting for the grill to cool, take this time to gather all the necessary cleaning supplies. This will help streamline the cleaning process and ensure that you have everything you need readily available.

Remove Grates and Burners

Carefully remove grates

The first step in thoroughly cleaning your restaurant grill is to carefully remove the grates. This can usually be done by lifting them up and sliding them out of the grill. Make sure to wear protective gloves to avoid any burns or injuries.

Once the grates are removed, set them aside for further cleaning.

Lift out burners if removable

Next, check if the burners in your grill are removable. Some grills have easily detachable burners, while others may require additional steps for removal. If your grill allows for it, lift out the burners and set them aside. This will make it easier to clean both the burners and the grill itself.

Soak grates in degreaser solution

After removing the grates, it’s time to tackle the grease and grime that has accumulated on them. Fill a sink or large container with warm water and add a degreaser solution. Place the grates in the solution and let them soak for about 30 minutes.

This will help break down the grease and make it easier to remove.

While the grates are soaking, you can move on to cleaning the burners and the rest of the grill. Use a grill brush or a scrubbing pad to scrub away any residue on the burners. Pay special attention to any stubborn spots or built-up grease. Rinse the burners thoroughly to remove any cleaning solution.

Once the grates have finished soaking, remove them from the degreaser solution and scrub them with a brush or sponge. Make sure to clean both sides of the grates to ensure a thorough cleaning. Rinse the grates with water to remove any remaining degreaser solution.

After cleaning the grates and burners, you can reassemble your grill and continue with regular maintenance. Regularly cleaning your restaurant grill will not only extend its lifespan but also ensure that your food is cooked on a clean surface, free from any leftover residue or bacteria.

Clean the Interior Grill Surface

The interior grill surface is where all the cooking magic happens, so it’s important to keep it clean to ensure the best taste and quality of your food. Here are a few steps to thoroughly clean the interior grill surface:

Use grill cleaner and a grill brush

Start by applying a grill cleaner specifically designed for removing grease and grime. Make sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner and apply it evenly across the grill surface. Let it sit for a few minutes to allow the cleaner to penetrate and loosen the dirt.

Next, take a grill brush with sturdy bristles and scrub the surface in a back-and-forth motion. This will help remove any stubborn residue and carbon buildup. Be sure to pay extra attention to the areas with heavy grease or food particles.

Detail clean with scrapers and abrasive pads

For a more thorough clean, use scrapers and abrasive pads to tackle any remaining grime. Scrapers are great for removing burnt-on food and tough stains, while abrasive pads can help scrub away any stubborn residue.

Pro tip: Be careful not to use metal scrapers on stainless steel grills, as they can cause scratches. Opt for a plastic scraper instead.

Rinse thoroughly and let dry

Once you’ve scrubbed the grill surface, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove any leftover cleaner or debris. Use a hose or a bucket of water to ensure all the residue is washed away.

After rinsing, leave the grill to air dry or use a clean towel to dry it manually. Make sure it is completely dry before using it again to prevent any water spots or rusting.

Remember, regular cleaning of your restaurant grill is essential for maintaining hygiene and ensuring the longevity of your equipment. By following these steps, you can keep your grill in great condition and serve delicious meals to your customers.

Scrub and Disinfect Burners

One of the most important steps in thoroughly cleaning your restaurant grill is to scrub and disinfect the burners. This ensures that any residue, grease, or food particles are removed, and the burners are ready for use. Here are some tips to help you accomplish this:

Use grill cleaner and abrasive scrub pad

To effectively clean the burners, it is recommended to use a grill cleaner specifically designed for this purpose. Apply the cleaner generously to the burners and use an abrasive scrub pad to scrub away any grime or buildup.

The combination of the cleaner and scrub pad will help break down tough stains and remove any stubborn residue.

Rinse and dry completely

After scrubbing the burners, it’s important to rinse them thoroughly to remove any traces of the cleaner. Use a hose or sink sprayer to rinse off the burners, making sure to remove all the cleaning solution. Once rinsed, dry the burners completely using a clean cloth or towel.

This step is crucial to prevent any moisture from causing rust or damage to the burners.

Inspect for damage and blockages

While cleaning the burners, take the opportunity to inspect them for any damage or blockages. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks or holes, which could affect the performance of the burners.

Additionally, check for any blockages caused by debris or food particles, as these can hinder the flow of gas and lead to uneven heating. If you notice any issues, it’s best to address them promptly to ensure the burners operate efficiently.

Remember, a thorough cleaning of the burners is essential for maintaining a clean and safe restaurant grill. By following these steps and regularly cleaning your grill’s burners, you can ensure optimal performance and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

Clean Grates Thoroughly

One of the most important steps in thoroughly cleaning your restaurant grill is to clean the grates properly. The grates are where all the cooking happens and can accumulate a lot of grease and food residue over time. To ensure a clean and safe cooking surface, follow these steps:

Use grill brush on grates after soaking

After soaking the grates in warm soapy water or a degreaser solution, it’s important to give them a thorough scrubbing with a grill brush. This will help remove any stubborn residue or buildup that may have accumulated. Make sure to scrub all sides of the grates, including the edges and corners.

The bristles of the grill brush will help to dislodge any stuck-on food particles, leaving your grates clean and ready for use.

Rinse away degreaser residue

Once you have scrubbed the grates with a grill brush, it’s essential to rinse them thoroughly to remove any leftover degreaser residue. This step is crucial as any residue left on the grates can transfer onto the food being cooked, affecting its taste and quality.

Use a hose or a bucket of clean water to rinse the grates thoroughly, making sure to remove all traces of the degreaser.

Dry fully before replacing

After rinsing the grates, it’s important to let them dry completely before placing them back on the grill. Moisture on the grates can lead to rust and other issues, so it’s best to air dry them or use a clean towel to pat them dry.

Once they are fully dry, you can safely put them back in place and resume cooking.

By following these steps to clean your grates thoroughly, you can ensure a clean and safe cooking surface for your restaurant grill. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the grates will not only improve the taste of your food but also prolong the lifespan of your grill.

Wipe Down Exterior Surfaces

Keeping the exterior surfaces of your restaurant grill clean is not only important for maintaining a professional appearance, but it also contributes to the overall hygiene of your kitchen. Here are some steps to thoroughly wipe down the exterior surfaces of your grill:

Use mild soap and water

Start by mixing a small amount of mild soap with warm water. Dip a clean cloth or sponge into the soapy water and gently scrub the exterior surfaces of the grill. This will help remove any grease, grime, or food residue that may have accumulated.

Be sure to pay attention to areas that are prone to splatters, such as the control knobs and handles.

Rinse and dry with microfiber cloth

Once you have thoroughly scrubbed the exterior surfaces, rinse off any remaining soap residue with clean water. Use a fresh microfiber cloth to dry the surfaces. Microfiber cloths are ideal for this task as they are highly absorbent and leave no lint behind.

Drying the surfaces prevents water spots and ensures a streak-free finish.

Restore stainless steel exterior with cleaner and polish

If your restaurant grill has a stainless steel exterior, you may notice fingerprints or smudges that are difficult to remove with just soap and water. In this case, you can use a specialized stainless steel cleaner and polish.

Apply a small amount of the cleaner to a soft cloth and gently rub it onto the stainless steel surfaces in the direction of the grain. This will help restore the shine and remove any stubborn marks. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using cleaning products.

By regularly wiping down the exterior surfaces of your restaurant grill, you can maintain a clean and professional kitchen environment. This not only improves the aesthetics but also contributes to the overall cleanliness and hygiene of your establishment.

Deep Clean the Grease Tray

One of the most important steps in thoroughly cleaning your restaurant grill is to deep clean the grease tray. The grease tray is responsible for collecting the excess grease and food particles that fall off during cooking.

If not properly cleaned, it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and can affect the flavor of your food. Here’s how to deep clean the grease tray:

Empty and wash with degreaser

The first step is to empty the grease tray of any leftover grease and food debris. You can use a scraper or spatula to remove the solid particles, making sure to dispose of them properly. Once empty, wash the grease tray with a degreaser.

A degreaser is a powerful cleaning agent that helps break down the grease and grime, making it easier to remove. Apply the degreaser to the tray and scrub it thoroughly using a brush or sponge.

Rinse thoroughly

After scrubbing the grease tray with the degreaser, it’s important to rinse it thoroughly to remove any remaining residue. Use warm water to rinse off the degreaser and any loosened grease. Make sure to rinse both the inside and outside of the tray to ensure a thorough cleaning.

This step is crucial to prevent any leftover chemicals or grease from contaminating your food.

Allow to dry fully before replacing

Once the grease tray has been cleaned and rinsed, it’s essential to allow it to dry fully before replacing it back into the grill. Drying the tray completely helps prevent the growth of mold and bacteria. You can either air dry the tray or use a clean towel to pat it dry.

Ensure that there is no moisture left before putting it back into the grill.

By following these steps and regularly deep cleaning the grease tray, you can maintain a clean and sanitary restaurant grill, ensuring the safety and quality of your food.

Reinstall Grates and Burners

Replace burners in correct positions

After thoroughly cleaning your restaurant grill, it’s important to reinstall the burners in the correct positions. This ensures that the heat is distributed evenly across the cooking surface, allowing for consistent and efficient cooking.

Take note of the placement of the burners before removing them, and refer to the grill’s manual if needed. If any burners are damaged or worn out, it’s a good idea to replace them before reinstalling.

Install cleaned grates

Next, it’s time to reinstall the cleaned grates onto the grill. Make sure to properly align the grates and securely place them back in their original positions. Cleaning the grates is crucial for maintaining the quality and flavor of your food.

A dirty or greasy grate can lead to unpleasant flavors and potentially harmful bacteria. By cleaning and reinstalling the grates, you’ll ensure a sanitary and enjoyable cooking experience for your customers.

Perform test run

Once the burners and grates are reinstalled, it’s important to perform a test run to ensure everything is functioning properly. Turn on the grill and let it heat up for a few minutes. Check for any unusual smells, noises, or uneven heating.

If everything seems to be in working order, you’re ready to start cooking!

For more detailed instructions on reinstalling grates and burners, you can visit They have a comprehensive guide that walks you through the process step by step.


Keeping your commercial grill spotless through periodic deep cleaning days is critical. By methodically cleaning each component, you’ll maximize grill performance and lifespan while providing customers clean, delicious grilled food.

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